In: Monkey Mines

Google Maps is an incredibly powerful tool for many things. Finding the nearest Taco Bell (#NotSponsored), figuring out just how long it would take to drive to your streamer friends out of state, and of course… Checking out the backstage areas of Walt Disney World in Florida! And we used it a lot for the Kings Cross Station design build last month too. Step one for prepping this Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Mega Build was using Google Maps to simply move around the area and get a better idea of where everything was. It’s funny, there were certain parts of the Florida park that I always think of as, “to the right” that are actually on the left side is the park as a whole, but the…

The gates to Walt Disney World

I’ve been playing Minecraft since the first few months of its existence. I’ve built a LOT of things, but many of them were just machines, contraptions, farms, and simple structures. I’m better at living underground than designing something that looks really great. And a lot of time, when I start a large design project, I get frustrated and never finish it. BUT, one of my favorite builds recently (which I should really finish someday soon…) was recreating London’s Kings Cross Station. And from that I realized that maybe what I am best at in Minecraft isn’t being original and creative, but in rebuilding things that exist in the world! It’s essentially the same as recreating redstone machines/farms all the time, so why not other buildings and locations? Well,…